Sunday, 10 October 2010

Home again

Now I know in my zest for all things floral/wedding, said I would be blogging every night after the Wedding Show - quite frankly impossible. I barely had enough energy to eat a plateful full of food then collapse into bed, but all in all we had a fabulous time!!!

We talked to loooadds of brides, from everywhere really. Was amazed at what a variety of venues, ideas, dresses there were. Though I do wish I could have run around and tried a few sparkly ones on! Queues for the dress stands were incrediable, at one point on the Saturday I saw it was an hour and half wait to try a dress on!!!! I call that a dedicated wait.

Anyway let me dazzle you with photos of the great Young Blooms stand. I am so proud of all that Laura and I have done and we certainly proved that we can play the big boys, so enjoy the photos. Signing off (and on the hunt for another coffee,while the cat tries to lick me to death ) x

1 comment:

  1. Your stand looked lovely! Hope you get lots of lovely weddings to do after the show!! I found your blog through the gorgeous Miss Pickering blog... x
